Thera Jordan, RMT


My practice is dedicated to improving YOUR wellbeing.

About Thera Jordan, RMT

I am a current member of the Massage Therapy Association of Saskatchewan. 

I was a clerical employee in an office environment prior to becoming an RMT.  I did not worry about proper posture or taking adequate breaks.  I was more interested in just getting the job done.  Even when I decided to become a Massage Therapist, I did not focus on self care and proper posture.  

I ended up hurting my neck pretty bad.  Constantly hanging my head forward while treating clients, and also while playing games on my phone or getting sucked into social media buggered me up pretty good.  

Your neck has a natural curve backward for strength to hold your head up on your spine.  The arc is a strong foundation of support.  My arc essentially straightened and started leaning forward growing bone spurs for added support and strength.

There are little disks between each vertebrae for cushion and shock absorption.  The disks in my neck got squished when the vertebrae folded the opposite way they are supposed to align.  The squished disks ended up pinching the nerves in my neck that make my arms and hands work;  Move & feel things.  It was like constant fire snakes traveling down my arm to my thumb from my neck.  Constant.  I wanted to shoot myself to end the pain. 

The Doctor wanted to schedule me for surgery.  He wanted to put a cage into my neck, to rearrange the vertebrae and gap the joints so that the disks would stop squishing my nerves.  

I thought to myself "UM NOPE".   

I decided to try having Chrio put my neck into proper order, and exercise to strengthen and stretch the muscles to help keep the proper alignment.  I chose to study Yoga for exercise purposes.  I started with a Yin Yoga Trainer Course.  Easy, bolstered, get to know my body kinda movements.  I have progressed to more Hatha, Ashtanga, HITT type Yoga.  I am a beginner to intermediate student.  

Guess what?!   I totally fixed myself!  Well Chrio helped at the beginning, but I have worked hard with Yoga and Self Massage to keep my balanced alignment.  I am pain free, med free, surgery free.  YAYAYAYAY

I have learned that we are literally like Gumby.  We can literally mold our bodies to be what we want them to be.  It takes a combination of Stretching, Strengthening and Endurance type exercises to maintain structural balance.  I have found that Yoga & Self Massage fit all these requirements.  Of course there are days when I fall off my training body lets me know, usually in aboot 2 days, that is time to get back on.  Self Care is 100% a priority.  Without my body, I don't exist and nothing else matters.

In my 10+ years as a Massage Therapist, I believe have learned techniques to make a 'deep tissue', 'therapeutic' treatment as comfortable, if not relaxing, as possible.  Using a combination of modalities, I have learned to ease into and flush the tissue in order to soften cramping, tight, sore muscles and to help realign postural imbalances that may be causing discomfort.

I have had the pleasure to work alongside various types of professionals in a clinic setting, including Massage Therapists practicing different Modalities, Acupuncturist, Osteopath(s), My Chiropractor(s), My Physio Therapist and Naturopaths.  I have had the privilege to learn different ailments the body might suffer and different techniques in helping it to heal. 

The Pandemic forced that I work from Home.  I am loving it.  Working from home gives me time to take care of myself.  Taking proper care of myself helps to help take better care of YOU!  I am so very grateful that I was forced into working from home.  Sometimes a crisis sets us on a path we didn't know was right for us. 

A healthy curiosity and yearning for knowledge about the human body has kept me reinventing my treatments; To help to take better care of myself and to always provide the most effective care I possibly can. I have the intention of providing you with a holistic, balanced approach, in taking advantage of the body's innate ability to heal itself.   

I have taken  Yin Yoga and Pregnancy Yoga Teacher Trainer courses to also help you increase the understanding of your own body and techniques on how to help you heal it.  I have found a few wonderful Yoga Teachers online.  I have incorporated a daily practice and have created an Exercises You Can Do At Home page on this sight.  I am constantly learning from these wonderful Ladies and encourage you to take a peek. 

For those of you with acute, new injuries (sprains/strains/breaks) Lymph Drainage helps to relieve swelling and promotes healing.  You need to keep that tissue saturated with healing, nutritious fluid.  Hard to do when something is broken or too swollen to move :(   Without movement, there is not adequate circulation of the fluid that carries all the nutrients (proteins) that literally make up our tissue.  Gentle Manual Lymph drainage can help with that. 

If all you are looking to do is to de-stress and melt the day away, I can do this too.  Need to Sleep?  Massage sedates the nervous system brining you into a Parasympathetic (Rest/Digest) State.  Many fall asleep on my table..... 

Pregnancy is a traumatic event for a woman’s body to go through.  Your whole skeleton shifts and opens up to make room to house a human!  Your muscles must lengthen and realign and strengthen in different areas to accommodate these changes.  This all happens over a relatively short time span.  After you have baby, your whole skeleton has to shift back to it's original state, all while taking care of your bundle of joy!   Come see me Mom!  I will try to help make you more comfortable in your Amazing Journey!

The human body is magnificent in its ability to create life and to heal itself.  I believe that in order to achieve best results, Massage Therapy requires a joint effort between therapist and client.  You, I, we all live in our own bodies ALL the time so I may send you home with some suggestions on which YouTube videos to check out.  Animals give their bodies a little stretch as soon as they stand up. We as humans seem to forget this nifty little life hack….   

I look forward to meeting and working with you, hoping to make a positive change!  Click to book an appointment here. 

Check out some Body Balancing Exercises You Can Do At Home!